Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Limerick for Sally Partridge (2002)

Oh, once there was a lemming.
His rosebush he was trimming.
A wizard appeared
who had a long beard.
His cauldron was a-brimming.

The wizard said "Wahoo!"
I have a gift for you!"
He said "polyglot,"
and out of the pot,
there came Iguana Stu.

"Oh, my red cow!" said the wizard.
"Stu is my pet wishing lizard.
Just pull on his tail,
he'll let out a wail,
and wishes will come from his gizzard."

The lemming said "No way.
I have to work today.
I must trim my bush,
and sit on my tush.
I have no time to play."

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